Thursday, September 11, 2008

Flying labs and sad garbage hounds

I left my poor, pathetic garbage hound at the vet for his second kennel experience of his 9 long years and could hear him crying all the way out in the parking lot. Maybe Janet was right and I should have just put him to sleep, but who would protect me on my morning runs and be the man in my life? Jenny got me safely to Littleton, NH where we greeted by a tiny flying yellow lab-flying around in circles like a spaceship! I wrote where we were b/c she told me, not b/c I know. Most of the time I'm not sure where I am-VT, NH, ME they all have moose and we didn't hit any! We didn't have to rock out to 10 years worth of Shania Twain's Greatest Hits to stay awake either-so that was a plus. It's hard to believe it's RTB without Dwyer, but I'll call her 37 times tomorrow if I can get my phone back to normal-whatever normal is when you've been dropped on your head every day of you life. LYLAFamily I'll be at Cannon around 7:30 tomorrow morning just to be sure I'm on time. I'm somebody's mother for Christ's sake, I am capable of getting most places on time-especially with my twin sister ABarr at the other end of the state!
PS Who was the first one at 100 on 100?

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