Saturday, September 13, 2008

17 down 4 to go

Well for me at least. Glad to have the worst over. My hip was en fuego first run and most of the second. Wish i listened to my PT and did all my drills, paying for it now. It was helpful thinking what he said about keeping the motion under control though. Mind was definitely wandering that last run. Kept seeing frogs with the headlamp and thinking about when Graham-bo nailed a frog with his tee shot when we were golfing in college. that poor sucker didnt know what hit him. very different than the slow gradual pain of that run i was experiencing. That and my brain kept thinking every red-ish light i saw was the finish. Stop lights. Brake lights. Runners blinking lights ahead of me. No such luck! Good times. At least the last run is short so hopefully i can open it up and do some damage on that one!

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